Obsessive–compulsive disorder affects children and adolescents as well as adults. Roughly one third to one half of adults with OCD reported a childhood onset of the disorder, suggesting the continuum of anxiety disorders across the life span.
With OCD you feel as though you have to complete certain rituals or behaviour, otherwise something bad will happen. Performing the compulsions can temporarily reduce the anxiety you feel with OCD in certain situations.
With OCD you might realise that your thoughts are irrational, but the obsessions and compulsions are difficult to resist. OCD affects people from all different backgrounds, classes, cultures, sexes and intelligence levels. Approximately 2-3% of Australians experience OCD.
The causes are not fully understood. Research suggests that OCD may be related to chemical, structural, and functional abnormalities in the brain. Genetic and hereditary factors may also play a role in the development of OCD. It is most likely the result of several interacting factors and is affected by stressful life events, hormonal changes and personality traits.
It is my opinion it is triggered by a retained primitive reflex of either Fear Paralysis reflex and/or Moro reflex of fight/flight. When the body feels endangered from an unknown source it then responds by natural compulsions to seek safety through performing tasks that in some way lessens the sense of danger.
Trauma whether real or imagined, or from pre-birth in utero events, during birth complications or from post birth events like vaccination reactions, can initiate a Moro response. This reflex can become habitual and lead to a myriad of behavioural changes, in an attempt to accommodate the anxiety and stress created by the fight / flight response.
The standard proceedure for correcting this problem is to address several perameters, these being Cranial Osteopathy, treating chemical aspects with Specific Nutrition to improve brain function and using Homoeopathy to quell the habitual flight/flight. The final area of mental/emotion reactors can be addresed using Hypno-Kinesiology (HK) and/or Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET).