Micro-current is an electrically based therapy modality delivering a current in the millionths of an ampere which has the ability to reduce pain syndrome, increase the rate of ATP production, as well as protein synthesis and improve amino acid transport. It increases the rate of wound healing, stimulates injured tissue regeneration and lymph flow, it can relieve myofascial trigger point pain and alter scar tissue. The current flows at a physiological rate on the same scale as the current the human body produces at the cellular level. Electrotherapy units such as TENS, Interferential, High Volt and Sine deliver in milliamps. They can create muscle contraction that the micro-current cannot. Micro-current is mostly sub-sensory and therefore barely noticeable as it is difficult for the sensory nerves receptors to be stimulated by such a low current.
What does it do?
Micro-current can increase ATP production by up to 500%. In studies performed by Ngok Cheng, M.D. entitled "The effects of Electric Current on ATP generation, Protein Synthesis and membrane transport in Rat Skin", ATP production increased 5 times the normal level using currents from 50mA to 1000mA, while currents exceeding 1000mA the ATP level remain constant and a with current level of 5000mA ATP production was slightly reduced. Micro-current also increased protein synthesis and amino acid transport.
Micro-current applied to injured tissue enhances the natural current flow within those tissues, allowing the traumatized cells to regain normal conductivity of their electrical potential. Trauma disrupts the normal electrical potential of cells and increases their resistance which leads to bio-impedance to cellular function. When micro-current is applied, the resistance is reduced allowing the bio-electric flow to re-establish normal function.
What conditions has it been used to treat?
Rapid pain management, Cancer pain, Fractures, Tendon and Ligament repair, Wound healing, Scar Tissue, Myofascial pain, Trigger point therapy, Nerve root irritation.
Micro-current Therapy is not used during pregnancy or on people with pacemakers.